Last Build: 05/10/19 6:41pm

SQL Demo: Creating Tables

First, we should figure out what tables we need. In the table above, note the following:

  • Every professor has a first and last name, but not all professors have a middle name.
  • Every professor has a unique email address based off their USF username. This means we can use this username as a primary key for each professor.
  • Only some professors have Twitter accounts. Each Twitter account is unique.
  • Each professor teaches a different number of undergraduate courses.

We do not want to overcomplicate things by creating too many tables, but we also do not want a lot of wasted space in each table.

One way we can do this is by creating three tables: one for professors, one mapping professors to Twitter accounts, and one mapping professors to the recent undergraduate courses they have taught. We will need to setup some relationships for these tables, namely that the Twitter and courses tables refer to a professor that already exists in the professors table.

Create Professor Table

We will create a contact_names table with 1 row per professor that stores:

  • The USF username (named usfid), which must be unique, may not be null, and can be used as the primary key for this table and the foreign key for other tables.

  • The first, middle, and last names in separate columns. Only the middle name may be null. None of these columns need to be unique. (For example, more than one person has the first name David in the department.)

Exercise: See if you can create a contact_names table that will match the following:

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
usfid char(10) NO PRI NULL  
first varchar(20) NO   NULL  
middle varchar(20) YES   NULL  
last varchar(20) NO   NULL  
See Answer.
CREATE TABLE contact_names (
first   VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
middle  VARCHAR(20),
last    VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

Once you have the table created, you can insert values as follows:

INSERT INTO contact_names
(usfid, first, middle, last)
('apjoshi',         'Alark',   NULL,  'Joshi'   ),
('benson',          'Greg',    NULL,  'Benson'  ),
('byuksel',         'Beste',   NULL,  'Yuksel'  ),
('dgbrizan',        'David',   'Guy', 'Brizan'  ),
('ejung2',          'EJ',      NULL,  'Jung'    ),
('jajohnson9',      'Jeffrey', NULL,  'Johnson' ),
('kjones12',        'Kristin', NULL,  'Jones'   ),
('mmalensek',       'Matthew', NULL,  'Malensek'),
('okarpenko',       'Olga',    NULL,  'Karpenko'),
('peter',           'Peter',   NULL,  'Pacheco' ),
('sjengle',         'Sophie',  NULL,  'Engle'   ),
('snrollins',       'Sami',    NULL,  'Rollins' ),
('tjparr',          'Terence', NULL,  'Parr'   ),
('vpournaghshband', 'Vahab',   NULL,  'Pournaghshband'),
('wolberd',         'David',   NULL,  'Wolber'  );

Create the Twitter Table

We will create a contact_twitter table that tracks Twitter accounts for professors that stores:

  • The Twitter account (named twitterid) which must not be null, must be unique, and may be used as the primary key for this table.

  • The ID for the professor this Twitter account belongs to, which must not be null. This should reference the usfid primary key in the contact_names table.

Exercise: See if you can create a contact_twitter table that will match the following:

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
twitterid char(15) NO PRI NULL  
usfid char(10) NO MUL NULL  
See Answer.
CREATE TABLE contact_twitter (
twitterid   CHAR(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
usfid       CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
REFERENCES  contact_names (usfid)

Once you have the table created, you can insert values as follows:

INSERT INTO contact_twitter
(usfid, twitterid)
('benson',    'gregorydbenson'),
('mmalensek', 'MatthewMalensek'),
('sjengle',   'sjengle'),
('apjoshi',   'alark'),
('tjparr',    'the_antlr_guy'),
('snrollins', 'samirollins'),
('byuksel',   'BesteFYuksel'),
('dgbrizan',  'davidguybrizan'),
('wolberd',   'wolberd');

Create the Courses Table

We will create a contact_courses table that tracks the undergraduate courses that professors have taught recently. Since courses will not be unique in the same way as Twitter accounts or USF usernames, we need a separate primary key:

  • The course ID (named courseid) which must not be null, must be unique, and is an auto-incremented primary key.

  • The ID for the professor that taught this course, which must not be null. This should reference the usfid primary key in the contact_names table.

  • The course number (named course) to identify the course taught by this professor (e.g. CS 212).

Exercise: See if you can create a contact_courses table that will match the following:

See Answer.
CREATE TABLE contact_courses (
usfid    CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
course   CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
REFERENCES  contact_names (usfid)

Once you have the table created, you can insert values as follows:

INSERT INTO contact_courses
(usfid, course)
('apjoshi',   'CS 360'),
('apjoshi',   'CS 112'),
('apjoshi',   'CS 110'),
('benson',    'CS 326'),
('benson',    'CS 315'),
('byuksel',   'CS 490'),
('byuksel',   'CS 110'),
('byuksel',   'CS 107'),
('dgbrizan',  'CS 245'),
('ejung2',    'CS 245'),
('ejung2',    'CS 112'),
('jajohnson9', 'CS 107'),
('jajohnson9', 'CS 110'),
('jajohnson9', 'CS 490'),
('kjones12',  'CS 107'),
('kjones12',  'CS 345'),
('mmalensek', 'CS 220'),
('mmalensek', 'CS 326'),
('okarpenko', 'CS 112'),
('okarpenko', 'CS 212'),
('okarpenko', 'CS 245'),
('okarpenko', 'CS 490'),
('peter',     'CS 411'),
('peter',     'CS 315'),
('peter',     'CS 220'),
('sjengle',   'CS 212'),
('sjengle',   'CS 360'),
('snrollins', 'CS 212'),
('snrollins', 'CS 112'),
('tjparr',    'CS 345'),
('wolberd',   'CS 107'),
('wolberd',   'CS 110'),
('wolberd',   'CS 112'),
('vpournaghshband', 'CS 336'),
('vpournaghshband', 'CS 221');

Next: Selecting Data